June 29, 2024

Charlie Reports on a Groundhog and Raccoons

Hi, it's Charlie. I hope you had a good week. It was hot here, but we still had some fun at the park.

Filtered with Picsart for Caturday

 I did something brave. I had my nails trimmed at the veterinary and they said I did great. I used to be very scared about getting that done, but now I am gotten older and bolder. Also, I have learned what “sit” means, and I can stay my by myself for a while.

I didn’t have much for Saturday’s Critters but today Mom got some pictures of the groundhog that has been badgering us. She said it was hard to get a picture because I wanted to chase the groundhog and she was holding my leash. It went through our garden and then across Cheron‘s yard. Here I’m looking at it, but it is past her driveway

It is bigger than a rabbit. Mom doesn’t like it because it made a hole under our house.

Made with StarryAI

Both of my human sisters have a different kind of critter that visits their yards. It is called a raccoon and Lynn’s doorbell cam got a picture of one hanging out with her cat at night. Then Marie came back from a trip and checked her trail cam and saw several raccoons on her patio. I have not seen a raccoon, but I have smelled them at the park.

Mom says I am old enough to go to school now, but I am still scared of riding in the car. I do okay as long as she is feeding me treats, but they have to be really good treats

Well, good night! I hope that if you have a doorbell, a raccoon does not ring it and wake you up.


  1. A raccoon visits quite regularly, Charlie, but I have not seen Ground Hogs in the neighbourhood. We also see possums, skunks, foxes and of course there are squirrels. Once in a while we see a coyote but that is a rare occurrence. Congratulations on your pedicure and being well behaved for it.

  2. Charlie is such a handsome boy

  3. Hello,
    Charlie is a good dog, behaving while getting his nails trimmed. The groundhogs do get big and they are doing some damage to our yard and garden. I have not seen any raccoons lately. Cute photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. ...my best to the two of you.

  5. You are SUCH a brave boy, Charlie! We love all your pictures too!

  6. Hi Charlie!
    Thanks for the report on the neighborhood critters.
    Have a blessed day!

  7. Oh you are going to doggie school! That will be such fun...usually there are other little dogs too!

  8. Love your art! We've never seen a racoon or groundhog.

  9. Hot weather or not it does look like you both had a marvelous time at the park! Great photos.

  10. such a cute dog!! groundhogs are a pain...messing up the grass/yard!!

  11. Reminds me of a dog named Pat who likes nothing better than to play catch with his owner.

  12. Aww a nice post.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend and have a happy new month of July

    All the best Jan

  13. Sounds like a great week, Charlie!

  14. it is not that i don't think that raccoons are cute but i don't like what they do to your possessions, and we have never give them anything to eat, they just take it. we no longer eat the birds, the hummingbirds and we have to go out of our way to lock up our trash. wondering what you mean by smell them? didn't realize i would or should know their smell? is it a noticeable smell like a skunk? ( ;

    1. Beagles can smell things that people cannot.

  15. I stepped out the back door and there was a BIG raccoon standing there looking at me. I slowly backed up and when inside! He cleaned out the bird feeder and was hoping I was refilling it! lol Have fun Charlie!


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