June 10, 2024

Bonnie Blue Pig

Winchester, VA

The Bonnie Blue Bakery is well-known in Winchester. When I stopped to take a picture of the mural, the sun was really bright. I dialed down the contrast for the second picture using the Photos app in hopes of making it easier to view the painting.

Monday Murals



  1. That mural is a beautiful work of art

  2. Cute pig mural! I was expecting it to be a BBQ place not a bakery! Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. Looks like that well-upholstered pig has eaten too many pastries!

  4. ...the shadows of bright days make photographing difficult.

  5. Cute pig mural and sculpture. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  6. Great mural of the only blue pig, let alone named Bonnie, I've ever seen!


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