March 9, 2024

Animal Effects

Horses. Only one of them is clearly visible in the first photo. The second one is in the shadows. I cropped the picture and lightened it drastically so you could see the brown horse. 

These horses can usually be seen near the Rappahannock County Visitors Center.

 I don’t have a variety of animals to show today. Of course, I do have some pictures of Charlie. He doesn't seem to like it when I point the cell phone at him to take a picture. He reminds me of my daughters in that regard. But sometimes I catch him looking very cute.

I used several filters in Picsart and got a strange effect.
Caturday / Saturday Critters
The Original Photo

Well, I’m having problems with formatting my pictures tonight, so I’m going to bid you good night! 


  1. The photo with the horses is very beautiful. Have a beautiful Sunday.

  2. Hello,
    Love the horses! Charlie is always a favorite, he is so cute. I have seen other that do not like their photo taken, I wonder why they are shy or scared of the camera. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. When you have Charlie around, you’ll never be stuck for the subject of a picture.

  4. Charlie looks really cute. And happy!

  5. ...I hope that you are enjoying another sunny day.

  6. Your first Charlie pic is adorable. Good work showing the horse in shadows to us.

  7. Isn't he a beautiful dog Linda.

  8. It's so beautiful where you live. Loved seeing the horses, and adorable Charlie, too!

  9. The shadowy one is intriguing. The filtered pic is pretty cute!

  10. We always like new photos of Charlie! And I love horses. I wish I had learned to ride when I was younger!


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