January 24, 2024

Snowbirds: Juncos

The dark-eyed junco is often called a snowbird, and it does show up here in the winter.

I read that they like millet seeds, which is good because many other birds don't, and it's commonly included in birdseed mixes. 

These pictures are from a few days ago. Most of our snow melted today.


  1. So beautiful to move in the snow

  2. I love these little grey balls of fluff!

  3. Cute captures of the Juncos. Take care, have a great day!

  4. I love seeing them bouncing around. Their wonderful little tweets are nice to hear too.

  5. We get lots of these handsome birds when it snows. Especially if we have our bird feeders out

  6. I have not seen one yet. I have had puffed millet for breakfast. I didn't know birds ate it too.

  7. Darling birds, you captured them beautifully. Thanks for the info on the millet. I have noticed the difference in bird visitors with the different seeds.


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