January 10, 2024

Brave Little Titmouse

Blog Post #8570, Bird Post #1143

The unpleasant weather we had on Saturday kept me indoors except for walking the dog. "Wintry mix" is common in Virginia because temperatures go up and down around the freezing mark, so snow turns to sleet or rain, resulting in wet, icy surfaces. Sleet is pelting down in the first photo, which I took from the back door. 

I only got one bird photo that day. Most feathered friends were sheltering to avoid the worst of the weather. A tufted titmouse visited my feeder and surprised me by picking up a peanut and flying away with it.  

Perhaps it was the same one I saw today, lurking behind the feeder while another bird took a turn.

Wild Bird Wednesday / Garden Affair



  1. Nice of the Song Sparrow to keep company with the Tufted Titmouse.

  2. Beautiful birds, both the Titmouse and the Song Sparrow. Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...they are a delight to see.

  4. That one little peanut probably provided enough energy for it to make it through the storm.

  5. I understand how weather is full of ups and downs where you live (and me too) but probably more people are experiencing wide changes these days. Loved your little bird photos!

  6. Very pretty birds. Today here is sunny, but a snowstorm is moving in probably overnight.

  7. I have never experienced snow , the birdie is adorable. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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