December 28, 2023

Wet Days

We just had a couple of days of rain, plus quite a bit of fog. At least it wasn’t ice!

H2O Thursday / Skywatch 

This afternoon the clouds finally started rising back up into the sky. In this picture, they are still touching Massanutten Peak.

I took that picture through a window while I was waiting for a routine medical test. I also entertained myself by taking pictures of their Christmas ornaments.


  1. Gorgeous set of photos depicting Xmas spirits

  2. Love the town decorations and your ornaments are pretty. Take care, have a great day!

  3. Glad you found ornaments to take photos of. There are a lot of mist/fog/rainclouds which don't photograph as well!

  4. Your weather looks a lot like ours but yes, I'm also thankful it isn't ice, and I enjoyed your pictures. Happy New Year to you. Alana

  5. Pretty photos. Glad it's not icy. Have a Happy New Year!

  6. I love that first pic, a great street scene, with lights, and reflections.


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