December 18, 2023

New Murals by Amanda Horn

Front Royal, VA

New murals decorate two sides of a building on N. Royal Avenue. The building is being remodeled and I read that it will be occupied by First Response Chimney Sweeps and Services.

Monday Murals / Blue Monday


  1. ...there no missing this one.

  2. Very striking mural. It would be quite a good mural for a fire station. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda. Have a good Christmas, and see you next year :)

  3. Hello,
    Great mural! It is a great advertisement for the Chimney sweepers. Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. Nice murals! I hope it helps their business. In fact,I hope murals help whoever is nice enough to have them created.
    Have a great Christmas and New Year celebration.
    best, mae at


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