December 11, 2023

New Mural by RMA Students

Front Royal, VA

The picnic shelter in Francis Burrell Brooks Park is now brightened by a wildlife mural. Designed and painted by students at nearby Randolph Macon Academy, the mural shows the beautiful forests and mountains that the area is famous for. 

Mosaic / Monday Murals / Blue Monday

When I photographed this mural, I was less than a mile from Shenandoah National Park, so of course, I made a brief foray there. I saw some deer at Dickey Ridge, and one of them was nice enough to pose for me.


  1. What a beautiful mural! Even better that it was designed by students.

  2. Stunning mural and it looks huge too! Love that the deer posed for you :) Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3. I love that deer that turned for your photo! The mural is fabulous, what a love addition to the neighbourhood. I hope your countdown to the festive season is going well!
    Wren x

  4. I love the beautiful wildlife mural. The deer is a cutie!
    Take care, have a great day.

  5. A beautiful mural and so nice to see the deer. Looks like you had nice weather that day. The views are spectacular.

  6. Great to see the students occupied with this kind of work.

  7. ...the mural is fantastic.

  8. Beautiful mural and cute deer!

  9. Great mural. I think I'll suggest one for our picnic shelter also...maybe a contest or just school children brought together with unifying them. Loved the deer checking you out!

  10. That is wonderfully done. Nice of the deer to pause.

  11. As cool as the mural is, it is the picture of the whitetail that I really loved!

  12. Love this murals especially for the Christmas time too.
    Thank you being part at

    I enjoyed reading. Have a good week.


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