December 24, 2023

Christmas Eve 2023

The year went by quickly and I don't feel ready for Christmas. I haven’t taken good seasonal photos yet so I'll start with a computer-generated image.

Marie arrived last night. Today she wanted to buy Charlie a new harness so we went to Petco. A young woman helped us find one that fits him. It has metal buckles so maybe it will last longer. He like to break plastic buckles by crunching them with his teeth! 

Here’s Charlie wearing the new harness. We went to the dog park in Strasburg. It’s next to a tennis court. We had a tennis ball too but Charlie got tired of chasing it because no other dogs were there to compete with him.

May your Christmas Day be bright!


  1. He looks very smart in his new harness. A Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you and your family Linda.

  2. That harness looks expensive to me

  3. Charlie is a cutie, nice harness. Merry Christmas to you and your family! I wish you all the best in 2024, Happy New Year!

  4. ...Merry Christmas, Linda. ☃️ 🎄 ❄️ 🎅🏼

  5. I bet Charlie was happy to get this new harness. Our Dakota does not like competing with others for his ball either. She is more of a one-on-one dog. Merry Christmas!

  6. I am sure I should know, but why does Charlie have to wear a harness?

    1. Two reasons. Supposedly it is easier to get a dog to walk without pulling when they wear a harness. More important to me is that a harness is safer for tethering a dog in a car. If you fasten a doggy seatbelt to his collar and there’s an accident, his neck could be severely injured.

  7. Nice new harness for Charlie! He looks happy. Hope you all have a merry Christmas!

  8. Charlie looks dapper. Merry Christmas!

  9. i think it is funny how i feel every year i say to myself i am gonna start earlier ...and what i mean is it feels like it just flies by ... i don't wanna rush it just feel like i get to experience it all and enjoy it the fullest amount, etc. Merry Christmas. hope you were able to find the time to be with the ones you love and have a real blast. take care. and may 2024 be awesome for us all. ( ;


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