December 7, 2023

A Short Post

Skywatch: I saw this view yesterday afternoon on the way home from the dog park.

The reason this is a short post is because I have to try to figure out what to do about Medicare and today is the deadline. They are charging me a huge amount because I had capital gains last year. I paid a lot of taxes on it, and I did not realize that they would double-tax me by raising my Medicare. I went to the Social Security office last week to try to convince them that this must be a mistake. Late this afternoon, I received a letter that did not directly address my complaint, but reiterated that I have to pay these charges. Now I need to continue to see if there’s a a way I can save on Medicare to make this affordable.

I don’t want to switch to the so-called “Advantage” plan because two of my specialists don’t participate in it. Also, several people have warned me about it. I did use it one year on a Humana plan and it was a bad experience. Basically, they lied to me about several things, wasting my time and money.

This is not my only complaint about Medicare but I don’t have time to continue my rant. 


  1. Beautiful sky! I hope you are able to find a good plan.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  2. I use a supplemental plan, for years...and have great advice through Council on Aging!

    1. I’ve gotten advice from various “experts“ over the years, but there is no way around Medicare’s unreasonable restrictions. I wound up keeping the same supplemental plan that I have had for several years. Overall, I would say that Medicare is a huge disappointment because I thought it would save me money over private insurance. It does if you’re healthy and don’t have any rare conditions, I suppose.

  3. Beautiful cloud formation. I just had to change my Medigap plan which I did with the help of a nonprofit through our local Office of Aging. I don't use Advantage, either, although it would be cheaper. I hope you were able to get a good plan before the 12/7 deadline. Alana

  4. I know exactly what you mean on your medicare issues. When I retired my medicare bill was sky hight because of capital gains but now it is very low.
    Also, Advantage plans really suck unless you don't need them. If you need serious medical help you are out of luck.
    I have Humana and it works pretty well for my situation.
    Good luck

  5. That's a beautiful sky. Yes, unfortunately, Medicare (like many things these days) is a sliding scale. You get hammered hard if your "income" goes up (which includes interest income, capital gains, etc., etc.). They recalculate every year so if your income goes back down, you won't have to pay as much next year.

  6. I spent yesterday making sure I had insurance because my husband passed on July 25, 2023. I requested the same insurance as before Mutual of Omaha and Aetna. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for the year 2024 so I don't wind up in the same boat you are in.

    1. I decided to keep my Mutual of Omaha policy. I compared the other ones and it is still the best deal for me.

  7. The photograph you posted speaks of peace and freedom.

  8. Gorgeous photo but ugh on all the medicare stuff.

  9. I heard the same thing about Advantage plan.


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