November 6, 2023

Colorful Student Art at RAAC

The annual fall tour of the Rappahannock Association for Arts and Community is always wonderful. This year, the old Washington School was reopened for the headquarters show, and student art was on display along with professional artwork.

This colorful mural is a mosaic of cardboard panels done by fifth grade students at Rappahannock County Elementary School. Their art teacher is Amy Grady.

Main Display Area

Among other student works were the Fun in the Sun collaboration by county students and a group of 3D maps by students at Hearthstone School.


  1. Great job by the kids. I hope it stimulated a love for the creative process that will stay with them through their lives.

  2. Great mural, love all the little details and the use of colour. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3. Students who have art in schools get a jump on creativity, which helps in many problem solving areas in their lives. I hate that so many school districts have cut art/music for young people.

  4. Very nice art work -- kids' creativity is always a pleasure to see.
    best, mae at

  5. Art in a fantastisc way. Thank you so much for sharing at MosaicMonday

    Hugs by Heidrun


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