October 23, 2023

Mosaic Style Mural at the Ice House

Berkeley Springs, WV

Students recently completed this mural on the side of the Ice House Art Center. An article in the Morgan Messenger explains how the students carried out the project from cutting the tiles through glazing them.

Monday Murals / Blue Monday / Mosaics

I saw this yesterday. I could not get a straight shot of the entire work because a car was parked in the way. 

As usual, there were nice art pieces inside the gallery.


  1. A whole lot better than mindless graffiti.

  2. The mosaic mural is pretty, I love the colors. The peace sign is a favorite too. Take care, have a great day!

  3. ...the tiles look great enlarged.

  4. Mosaics can last forever...though of course it helps when a building is still standing. These look very pretty.

  5. The mosaic mural looks great, love the bright colours. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  6. That was definitely quite an accomplishment on the part of those students. Amazing mural and lovely close up of the tiles.

  7. There are interesting here to read about the students work. I enjoyed your post.

    Thank you for sharing and being part at

    Have a wonderful week.
    Greetings by Heidrun


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