October 17, 2023

I Found Where the Potomac Begins

Fairfax Stone State Park
Thomas, WV

Tuesday Treasures / Wordless 

The Fairfax Stone, marking the Potomac's headwaters, was a corner of Lord Fairfax's vast estate. The line of 1736 was checked in 1746 by a survey on which Peter Jefferson, father of Thomas Jefferson, was engaged. 


  1. How interesting. I wonder if many people have visited that particular spot rather than the river itself?

    1. I don’t think a lot of people have been there compared to downriver. I was the only person there that afternoon.

  2. Like most mighty rivers it has an ignominious beginning.

  3. Interesting find, the stone is an interesting monument
    Take care, have a great day!

  4. had a family reunion (in North Carolina) this past weekend, i am so behind ...slowly catching up on all my tasks. you are awesome. thank you for your visit. do you ever think about all the commentors we use to have. i miss it. glad and so happy for the ones who have stuck around. i am trying to figure out how and why my name is not Beth ... i think it is Elizrdbreath ... weird??! not here on Blogger but other Google platforms and i can't figure out how it changed?? have a great week. Beth ( ;

  5. Interesting. Now you have me wondering about "headwaters" - what exactly that means and how to tell if one is there. Off to Google I go!
    Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2023/10/a-few-more-clicks-from-cedar-creek.html

  6. Far cry from the way it looks by the time it reaches Great Falls. :-)


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