October 5, 2023

Dry Season Still

When we had heavy rain last week, I hoped that it would end our drought, but it only helped a little bit. We still need more rain. Our rivers came up slightly, but are still running low.

The grass greened up and grew enough to be cut. We still have some summer flowers.

A few trees are starting to show the colors of autumn. I don’t know whether the drought will impact the fall foliage season.


  1. Fall is starting to show here too, but the weather is crazy. It still feels like mid summer in October.

  2. ...it is so dry here. Last week in the Adirondacks we saw a lake that was 10 feet below normal. I hope that the both of us get some rain.

  3. Pretty sky and the flowers are beautiful. We need more rain here too. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  4. It has been very dry here in Mississippi, too, but we have rain this morning. Pretty Autumn leaves and beautiful flowers!

  5. We finally had a decent rain the other day but the ground just soaked it up. My last lawn mow of the year will be today, unless I decide to do something else.

  6. We haven't had rain for several weeks. One weather models says it's possible tonight in western NC. The other says no. So we may wait till next weekend.

  7. Beautiful shots.

    We're due for rain and a temperature drop.

  8. Beautiful colour in your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  9. Days here vary from cloudy, gray, sunshine all in 12 hours. Wind is knocking the leaves off of the trees. Fall chilly weather one day. Need a jacket. Need to wear shorts. Weather surprises us here in the North Woods.

  10. Beautiful blooms, cosmos blooms are pretty enough to brighten my day. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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