October 7, 2023

Critters and Car Rides

Hi, it's Charlie. I’ll show you a couple of big animals, but first I'll share a picture of me that my mom filtered on the computer.

Sometimes I see animals from the car, like this deer or the cows. I don’t worry about them because they don’t come close.

I saw a dog in another car and he looked friendly, but I did not get to meet him.

Often I meet dogs at the dog park. It is disappointing when they are not there. Yesterday no one was there so I explored the park and waited, and then a girl dog showed up. She was too tired to play because she had already been for a long walk but she smiled when I showed her how fast I could run. She didn’t stay long, and the man with her took her home. So we left and went home too.

I have gotten braver about riding in the car. Today a lady named Miss Deborah rode in the backseat with me. She is very nice.

My mom bought a big painting of some birds.



  1. Charlie, your filtered photo is cute! Nice shots overall.

  2. Hello,
    Cute photos of Charlie, he is adorable. I am glad he is getting better at riding in the car. It is a shame there were no doggies at the park to play with you. I love the cows and the deer photos. The bird painting is beautiful. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  3. So good to see so many portraits of Charlie

  4. Tell your mom Imlike the painting of the herons. Great choice.

  5. ...yes, the heron are great.

  6. Life of Charlie...just came to mind. It could become a book, a movie, whatever Charlie wants. I too love your new painting.

  7. Love the heron painting and Charlie's filtered photo looks very nice too.

  8. Hello Linda and Charlie. I'm sorry you didn't get to play with other dogs at the park Charlie but in consolation you look so handsome in your photos, and your Mom is your biggest friend anyway, and maybe the lady who travelled with you is now your friend. Nice picture of the Herons Linda.

  9. Lovely pics - especially the ones of Charlie. Such a handsome woofie!

  10. that is one precious face. what a cutie!! ( ;

  11. Oh I like the painting! And it's fun to read about Charlie's adventures!

  12. Charlie you are the sweetest! Loved mommy's post with you and all the animals, you look great as a painting.


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