September 22, 2023

Yard Maintenance

A shrub next to my house had grown to be huge and unruly and I was concerned that the homeowners association would send me a letter saying I was not in compliance with the rules. I was at their meeting on Tuesday and it got contentious. We were voting on whether the annual HOA fee should be raised. To me it was a no-brainer because the fee was ridiculously low and hadn’t been changed in 20 years. But someone spoke up who felt she had been disrespected by the HOA, which sent her a letter about her renting out her basement as an Airbnb. This is against the rules. She wound up yelling and some board members muttered that she was lying, etc. It was not pleasant. 

Anyway, I told Frank about this when I gave him a ride to a medical appointment on Wednesday. He volunteered to prune the shrub for me. We worked on it today and it took two of us to get it into decent shape. A weigela does not usually exceed 6 feet in height, but this one had a few branches sticking out of the top that reached about 9 feet.

Charlie watched out the front door, and could only see me now and then, but seemed contented with that. The reflections of the porch banister almost make it look like he’s in jail!

I wonder if Charlie noticed that my new garden flag has a dog on it?


  1. We don’t have these homeowners associations here, and thank goodness for that.

  2. Beautiful black and white photo!

  3. Homeowner associations seem to be a problematic thing to have.

  4. Love the Charlie photo! Have a great weekend.

  5. Just what we don't need. Nosy and noisy neighbours.

  6. Great view of that sweet silly doggy...and I'm sorry to hear the HOA is having difficulties with one person. Happy first day of fall.

  7. ...I'm glad to be my homeowners association!

  8. this tree certainly makes beautiful flowers

  9. Great shot of Charlie with the reflections! I does look like he's in jail. :-)

  10. Curious Charlie! Lovely captures.


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