September 6, 2023

Concert Coming to Our State Park

Camp Lupton Barn

I took this picture to illustrate an fundraising event at Seven Bends State Park. It will be held this Saturday from 4 to 6 pm. UPDATE: The event has been postponed to October 14.

This pony barn is the only remaining building from the days when the property was a summer camp. The concert will be held outdoors.


  1. Sounds like quite something to take in.

  2. ...I hope that you will have good weather.

  3. A concert sounds nice, enjoy! Take care, have a great day!

  4. I would love to be at that concert. There's nothing quite like genuine C&W and Blue Grass to stomp your feet to. I hope the sun shines for you and the concert is a super success. Maybe you can post a clip or two on here?

  5. Beautiful photo, and that looks like a lovely guitar!

  6. I do hope it's a big success.

    All the best Jan

  7. Cant wait for the festival to come

  8. Hey! Looks great leaning up against a fence. But kina odd. :-)


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