June 16, 2023

The View at the Pier, Lake Frederick

Lake Frederick is between Front Royal and Winchester. It is practically surrounded by communities of new homes, but a portion is reserved for access to fishing and boating.


  1. I could do with a swim! Heatwave here

  2. It is quite scenic to have this natural reserve.

  3. Looks beautiful, but I can't imagine it's especially wildlife-friendly.

    1. There are herons and other birds. The shoreline is actually owned by the state of Virginia, so it is protected. The hundreds of homes are separated from the lake by a strip of land, mostly with trees.

  4. Looks like a pretty place! Have a great weekend.

  5. What a shame that everything is being 'eaten up' with housing and strip malls and such. Is our population growing so much that we need all this new housing!!

  6. Looks like a nice place to walk and take pictures.


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