April 2, 2023

Nineteen Eighty Four

These are pictures from my 1984 photo album, starting with a photo of Lynn. 

I took the picture of Marie with a Nimslo 3-D camera. The lenticular finish looks a bit blurry when flattened. The same problem plagues the next two pictures. They show my sister and her daughter, with my parents in the background of one and Elias in the other.

The collages show some of Lynn’s friends and then Alexandria’s City Hall and the Torpedo Factory Art Center. Those places hold a lot of memories for me. My first job was with the Extension Service which was in City Hall for a while. I volunteered with Alexandria Archaeology in the Torpedo Factory. 

The snow scene shows the front of our townhouse in Del Ray. My goodness, that was a long time ago! We lived there during my children’s school years. I believe we moved from there in 1984 or around that time.


  1. A fun look back, great collection of photos.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  2. What a fun collection of dear old photos! I'm sure they brought you memories!

  3. I love having old photo albums to enjoy. Sure brings back good memories!


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