February 16, 2023

Stickers and Signs on a Gray Day

It seems like I used to see bumper stickers more often, but there are still people who display a collection of them.

Oops, the Jeep has expired tags! 

Usually I try to crop out the tag number, but the one on the Toyota is part of the display.

Today was a rainy day and not suitable for exploring the outdoors, so after physical therapy, I drove up to Strasburg to visit Pot Town Organics before they close permanently. Janet and Ron are retiring.

The shop across the street is brightly painted, but rarely open. Instead, it is operating out of a space in the antiques emporium.

Also brightly decorated is the sign shop, decked out for Valentines Day. For more signs, see Tom’s blog.


  1. A very nice selection of photos Linda. Always sad to see a store close but I wish the owners a happy retirement.

  2. Quite a range of unusual street facades

  3. ...I enjoy stickers on someone else's car!

  4. Hello,
    The shops look cute, I am sure they are fun to explore all their goodies. Like Tom above, I like reading the stickers but would not put any on my car. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I had stickers on every car before this one. Now I'm tending to want to be anonymous.

  6. A nice selection of photographs.

    All the best Jan


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