January 2, 2023

Sky Shots Near Front Royal

The town of Front Royal is in a valley cut long ago by the two forks of the Shenandoah River, which come together nearby. I don't go there as often now as I did when I lived 5 miles from there, but occasionally I go for a dental appointment or shopping, or to visit Skyline Drive.

The first photo is from last month and I took it while waiting for a red light to change at Riverton.

Today I went to Skyline Drive, but first I drove by my old neighborhood to take a look at the home being built on a property that we sold about five years ago. 

The river below the bridge is the South Fork of the Shenandoah. This bridge was recently named for Major General Joseph Warren, killed in the American Revolution.

I entered Skyline Drive at the northern entrance. It was only open for five miles because weather is more severe up there. Many limbs and trees had fallen from the ice storm. I was surprised by how many people were in the park, but government workers had a vacation day today and the weather was nice.

The picnic area at Dickey Ridge was open, with the road blocked just past there. I didn't see any deer this time, just hikers and tourists.


  1. Splendid landscapes - Charlie looks a little apprehensive though.

  2. Beautiful scenic views! I love your cute Charlie.
    Take care, enjoy your day and the week ahead.

  3. Great views which you've captures wonderfully. Oh Charlie has those big brown eyes looking for you to solve all his problems!

  4. Beautiful views. I love the expressions of Charlie.

  5. Nice views and always lovely to see sweet Charlie.

    All the best Jan


The View from Squirrel Ridge features thousands of views of the Shenandoah Valley and surrounding area. I post frequently so please visit often.

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