June 15, 2022

Unidentified Flying Oiseaux (UFO)

Sometimes I photograph birds that I cannot identify. I have become familiar with most of the birds that visit my feeder, but if they are far away or are just silhouettes, I am not skilled enough to know what they are.

Some of the contributors to Wild Bird Wednesday are advanced birders. They are also fantastic photographers.


  1. Bird looks like Alfred Hitchcock in profile

  2. ...I can only identify the easy ones.

  3. The bird on the feeder looks like a Wren, but the others - I have no idea.
    Have a blessed day!

  4. Ha! I call them LBB's Little brown birds.

  5. Whatever they are Linda, these are lovely!

  6. Nice shots, Linda. I call the birds, birds and that's ok by me. :)

  7. Love that last pic, Linda.

  8. Nie pomogę Ci, nie znam ptaków z Twoich okolic :-)


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