June 1, 2022

Somewhat Domesticated Birds

Wild Bird Wednesday

When I was in Loudoun County recently, it was a pretty day except for the heat. I took a few pictures of birds with my phone, including these Canada geese behind a fence.

I did not get a close look at the birds around the purple martin house, but I suppose I can safely call them swallows because purple martins are a type of swallow.


  1. Hello,
    I like the Purple Martins, they are pretty birds. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. ...you had a beautiful day.

  3. Looks like a lot of interest in the Purple Martin houses.

  4. I always loved Canada geese. Growing up in London, I used to see a lot of them as a child, in the Royal Parks. For some reason, when I was little, I thought they were cygnets (lol).

  5. Great to see Purple Martins...now I'll have to look them up, because maybe that was the colorful bird we saw a few weeks ago...very shiny and smaller than a crow.

  6. The geese are at least accustomed to us.

  7. Excellent! You said these are cell phone pics!?!! Great, clear, images.

    Thanks for sharing with us.

    ~Anni @ I'd rather B Birdin'

  8. I've tried unsuccessfully to lure purple martins with elegant houses. What's the secret?

    1. I don’t know. They do like an open area so if you live in a forest, they may not show up.


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