June 10, 2022

Flowers in June

Springtime in Virginia is a treat for the senses. Flowers bloom in profusion. I recommend it! 



  1. Such beautiful floral photos Linda! Enjoy the summer.

  2. This is the period of nice colors all around. Nicely captured.

  3. I'd love to have the fragrance to accompany the pictures.

  4. good post 😊 would you like to follow each other? if the answer is yes, please follow me on my blog & i'll follow you back. https://camdandusler.blogspot.com

  5. Beauty is certainly abundant in floral expression in June! Time to get out and enjoy it all!

  6. Beautiful flowers. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Such beautiful flowers.
    Enjoy your weekend.

    All the best Jan

  8. gorgeous blooms. so pretty. we are enjoying a rainy day Sunday. so nice. i wish i had known it would rain because i watered my plants. oopies. lol!! have a great rest of your weekend. take care. ( ;

  9. Lovely blooms, Day lilies are scintillating. Thanks for sharing with Garden Affair.


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