April 10, 2022

Cedar Grove UMC

This church is on Smithland Road in Harrisonburg.

The original was a one-room log structure. It was used as a public school on week days, and on Sunday, as an inter-denominational church. in 1886, it was dedicated as a Brethren Church. According to the church website "The original log structure was later weather boarded, was heated by wood stoves and lighted by kerosene lamps."

The building was further improved in the 1940s, but in 1953 it was destroyed by fire. It was rebuilt. It is unclear to me when it became a Methodist Church.

Inspired Sunday 



  1. It is amazing how many offshoots, sects and side branches of the same religion exist, many claiming superiority over the others.

  2. ...a church with a long history.

  3. A perfectly beautiful southern church, but what an interesting history it holds!

  4. Beautiful looking church with an interesting history.

  5. I am reminded of some churches I've seen here.


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