March 8, 2022

The Silas Burke House

Burke, Virginia

Tuesday Treasures

This house can be seen from Burke Lake Road and also from the driveway to Sunrise Senior Living. It has been integrated into the buildings of the Senior Living campus. 

The historical marker has faded over the years.
Here lived Lt. Col. Silas Burke (b.1796–d.1854) and his wife, Hannah Coffer. Burke, for whom Burke's Station on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad was named, served as a director of the railroad and the Fairfax Turnpike Company. An innkeeper and farmer, Burke was elected president of the Fairfax Agricultural Society in 1850. He held many county offices with distinction, including road surveyor, commissioner of public buildings and schools, county court justice, presiding justice, and sheriff.


  1. ...I must say that Silas is a name that you don't hear often these days. It's nice to see this place in such good condition.


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