December 3, 2021

Working Around A Glitch.

I'm having technical difficulties posting photos tonight so I'm reposting two pictures from ten years ago "by URL." Let's see if this works. 

First, some silk flowers. 

And next, a reflection shot that I set up using a tiny glass kangaroo that Marie sent me while traveling. A little mirror provides a pond effect and some moss stand in for shrubbery. 

This is the first time I've had to use this particular work-around.  I read a post on Facebook that said other bloggers were having troubling posting pictures tonight. 


  1. Beautiful photos. Great idea to use a mirror for the lake effect. Hope your technical problems will be resolved soon. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. I love the kangaroo photo! I have experienced lately problems in commenting on blogs… wishing a fine weekend.

  3. ...fortunately posting photos hasn't been a problem for me.

  4. I like the kangaroo, cute! I do not have problems posting photos, just comments disappearing. Have a great weekend!

  5. The shots you were able to resurrect from the files are terrific. I am sure that the glitch posting current images will soon get resolved. What would blogger be these days without a problem or two?

  6. I love that pretty reflection and yes, we are all having trouble. I used drag and drop but I don't know if that's still working! happy weekend!

  7. Nice photos, I sometimes post in the morning, or afternoon or evening...So I haven't had any trouble yet (Knock on wood!)

  8. The roo is photogenic.

    I haven't had that issue, but I tend to prepare posts several days in advance.

  9. Linda, so very pretty pictures, I'll be partial to your kangaroo because I've been with and played with some in Tasmania.
    I couldn't post pictures either last night. Meant no Christmas tree blog post yesterday, a picture or pictures of Christmas stuff are it's main items.

  10. Blogger does sometimes come up with glitches!
    I enjoyed seeing these two photographs.

    All the best Jan


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