December 19, 2021

This Afternoon: Shadows and Light

I dropped off some recycling and saw this little pond. On the hill above it is Shenandoah County Park.

Trees reflected in water

The little church on Richardson Road has been painted. It is now privately owned and the gentlemen who purchased it are fixing it up. 

As you can see, the sun was casting strong shadows this afternoon.

By the time I got home, the moon was shining.
moon and lights
The lights in the foreground are holiday lights on a tree. This is a cell phone picture so they don't look sharp.


  1. Hello,
    love the shadows and the pretty church. Great capture of the moon. Take care, have a great day and week ahead!

  2. A lot of small rural churches have been converted to residences here.

  3. this year is coming to end so quickly. the time is flying by. i gotta stop blinking. lol. great shots. i love reflection views. ( ;

  4. Great long shadows which tell of the time of year. Hello Mr. Moon shining on the tree that's sparkling too!

  5. Pretty day! I love how you turn an errand run into a day to spot beautiful things -- and I appreciate your sharing them! Your moon shot is nice -- our days sure are short this time of year!


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