December 15, 2021

Downy and Downy

Geese are known for their down, the soft fluffy feathers used in pillows and jackets. So I think it is fair to say they are "downy."

This woodpecker is known as a downy woodpecker. It is smaller than the red-bellied woodpecker and does not sport as much of the color red. 

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  1. You make a good point Linda. It's not clear why the woodpecker would be named "downy".

  2. The female Downy Woodpecker does not have the red cap at all.

  3. What a great connection, it would have missed my consciousness for the rest of my life if you hadn't pointed it out!!

  4. Both definitions of the word work for me. As my grandkids might say "I'm down with that!"

  5. Two great shots. I always like seeing woodpeckers around our farm.

  6. But nice birds to see anyway


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