November 10, 2021

Three Birds Doing their Own Thing

The autumn colors called me to pick up my camera, and I was fortunate that a bird flew into view. I think it was an osprey because it dived down to the lake to catch a fish. Ospreys move quickly and dive suddenly so I've missed getting their picture more often than I've been successful. 

This brown and white bird was in our yard. I think it's a brown thrasher. (Correction: It appears to be a hermit thrush.)

Late this afternoon I got out of the car and spotted a bird on a bush. Dusk was turning the sky pink so I was pleased that the little creature posed in silhouette.


  1. Hello Linda, :=) The Osprey was a wonderful sighting. I see more buzzards than Ospreys. I think I live two far away from water to see them. The two smaller birds were good finds.

  2. Hello,
    Great captures and pretty views. I think the second photo maybe a Hermit Thrush, they have a reddish tail and the eye ring. Take care, enjoy your day!

  3. The second picture is of a Hermit Thrush.

  4. ...I like doing my own thing too.

  5. These photos are absolutely stunning, Linda - especially that first one. Magnificent!


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