November 29, 2021

A Wall in Leesburg.

I don't know why the artist emphasized fried eggs.

Monday Murals



  1. Beautiful and colourful mural. The mural helps to brighten up the place.

  2. Very colourful and long mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda.

  3. Love the colorful wall, nice mural.
    Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead.

  4. Maybe he had fried eggs for breakfast.

  5. ...there's no missing this corner!

  6. Well, it's colorful that's for sure! The murals in my city (in Oregon) are often undecipherable -- we just seem to scratch our heads and wonder what the artist was thinking.

  7. LOVE this bright and colorful mural. Perhaps this is to show that the restaurant is open for breakfast and dinner. Just a guess, of course. Lovely and LONG mural though, Linda.


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