October 18, 2021

Pink Giraffe

Merrifield, Virginia

The giraffe is painted on two separate sections, one on each side of the stairway.

A signature block says:


  1. Love giraffes, and this one is quite quirky.
    I like the way it was painted on either side of the staircase. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Linda

  2. ...neat and I love the stairs.

  3. How quirky can you get! Someone who had a great imagination!

  4. Wow! That took some planning. I love giraffes!

  5. A giraffe seems like an odd choice for Virginia.

  6. Maybe the artist was inspired by my area's April the Giraffe. I love it, and how the staircase next to it is painted. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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