August 29, 2021

A Church and a Caboose

Elkton, VA

Inspired Sunday / Shadow Shot Sunday

This is the former location of the Elkton Church of God. It has now moved to a new building. 

Also in Elkton, a red caboose. 



  1. ...I almost bought a caboose years ago.

  2. Wow, wondering how they got the caboose there! And wow, Tom almost bought one!

  3. A caboose with an accessible walkway!

  4. How often does one see a retired caboose?

    1. I've actually seen quite a few. Railroad towns sometimes keep them as attractions.

  5. Quite a plain looking building. Is the caboose used as a B&B like they do over here

    1. Not this one, but I know of one near the Blue Ridge Parkway that is used as lodging.


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