May 26, 2021

Birds, Late May.

Let's start off with a catbird before we look at some domestic breeds that have made themselves at home in the wild.

Yesterday I saw some guinea hens at the new state park in Woodstock. I'm pretty sure they wandered over from the same place that has the peacock that I met recently.

It looks like his people have put up a big cage for him. I did not see him though.

In case you missed my post with the peacock, here's another picture of him.

Meanwhile, ducklings have hatched in our neighborhood. Here a goose shows them to her goslings.


  1. Nice to see ducks and goslings getting along.

  2. How marvelous that you have such a variety of critters around you. Lovely captures! Love the duck family and the peacock. When my mom lived in Southern California, one time a peacock perched on her chimney. What a sight that was. :)

  3. A great group of bird photos!

  4. The water birds are fascinating to watch especially when there are young ones and different varieties in a group.

  5. What a nice post:) thanks for your sharing...

  6. Hello,
    Love the Catbird photo. I hope the goose is being nice to the ducklings. The peacock has a nice cage. Take care, have a happy day!

  7. ...I rarely see a peacock.

  8. We have never been content with what is here, have we? We have always felt it necessary to bring in something else.

  9. Interesting shots of birds...I loved seeing the wilded species of Guinea hens and peacock...I sure would have been surprised to run into either of them.

  10. Being new to birding, we have "discovered" the catbird for the first time. We may have a pair nesting in a shrub in our front yard but don't want to disturb them to find out for sure. Alana


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