May 19, 2021

Angry Birds

Is she angry or just curious? Mrs. Cardinal stared at me.

Wild Bird Wednesday 

The graylag gang continues to torment me. I have no idea why the trio of geese holds a grudge against me. If they see me from a hundred feet away, they rush over to threaten me. Sometimes they fly into our yard and then start honking and walking towards me. 

Last month one of them bit me, and now I'm almost afraid to go out to the mailbox. It's strange because I never had a problem with them before.

A small bird keeps attacking our windows. He appears blurred here because he moves very fast. But he does it repeatedly.

For days he attacked two windows in the family room. I tried a raptor decal and that did not help. Then Frank put window screens over the windows and that stopped the attacks for a few days.

Then the bird discovered the arched windows that are over the other ones. We don't have screens for those. Here he's resting on the sill for a moment before flying at the glass again. I guess he is attacking his reflection, like a cardinal does to the mirror on my car if I fail to cover it.

Have you noticed birds behaving differently this year? It's been odd around here.

Now we look at some different groups of geese. There are three kinds of geese on our community lake: graylag geese, white geese, and Canada geese. Sometimes they mingle and even have families together. This week I've witnessed some aggression. 

Today two families of Canada geese and their goslings were peacefully grazing in my yard when the white geese decided to run them off! Here we see a poor gosling getting chased around a bush. 

He rejoined the rest of his group only to have the entire family chased away by the white geese. It looks orderly here but the squawking was loud and angry! 



  1. I suspect that there's something fowl going on. ;)

  2. ...geese have attitudes.

  3. I'm sure they will iron out their differences.

  4. Oh wow, they are being so mean. I have had a few cardinals attacking the windows. They are fighting with their own reflections. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. They certainly seem ill tempered.

  6. The little cardinal definitely looks angry lol. I've seen so many bloggers talk about how mean the geese are this year.

  7. Oh sorry the geese are being so territorial. Perhaps there are just too many of them in one spot. Not that that solves anything...

  8. Mrs. Cardinal definitely does not look happy. The geese are on a mean streek. The window attacker is persistent and determined to attack his reflection. :)

  9. She does look kind of angry haha..I love the picture of the geese coming for you! They are meanies!!

  10. That first bird looks like he's saying "Don't take my picture!" :)

  11. I do think the little cardinal looks a little angry.

    I have seen other bloggers comment that geese are not so well tempered at the moment, so take care.

    All the best Jan

  12. you captured great "attitudes" of animals.... excellent job.


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