March 4, 2021

A Variety of Signs.

I saw this sign on a car window. I guess he's been stopped more than once!

This state historical marker is along U.S. 15 near Haymarket. 
Near Hopewell Gap, five miles west, Simon Kenton was born, 1755. Leaving home in 1771, he became an associate of Daniel Boone and George Rogers Clark in Indian fighting. He won fame as a scout and as one of the founders of Kentucky. Kenton died in Ohio in 1836.

I passed that one on my way to Herndon. The rest of this post shows a few sights along Herndon's Pine Street. 

Next to the F.A.M.I.L.Y. sign is a plaque honoring Japanese-American units.

100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, Military Intelligence Service
The aforementioned Japanese-American units from World War II are the most highly decorated units in military history.
You can read the rest of the text on Historical Marker Database.

On the corner I noticed these clever bike racks in front of a restaurant.



  1. FAMILY sounds like "forgotten love." Following your blog, Great sharp pictures and interesting.

  2. ha ha - love that first sign!

  3. love the bike rack...yes, clever

  4. a clever one! Thanks Linda for sharing, take care.

  5. I love that F.A.M.I.L.Y. sign!
    And the bike racks.

  6. Gostei do bicicletário, com a gasolina tão cara poderíamos usar bicicletas kkk

  7. Nice finds this week, especially the historical markers. Alana

  8. Terrific signs! I LOVE the F.A.M.I.L.Y. one! You are AWESOME! Thanks for visiting us and have a marvellously happy day.


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