February 15, 2021

The View at Riverview Park

Since today is Presidents' Day,  I am revisiting a sign that has a connection to our first president. This is in Riverview Park, Woodstock, Virginia.

Effinger Trail

This trail is dedicated to Captain John Ignatious Von Effinger (1756-1839), a Hessian soldier who deserted from the British in the American Revolution and joined the American forces. He was later put in command of George Washington's bodyguards. Captain Effinger lived in Woodstock for many years and is buried in St. Paul's UCC cemetery on S. Church Street in Woodstock.
This trail was designed and constructed by Boy Scouts of America Troop # 54, Edinburg, VA, and dedicated in November 1999.

 On Friday I stopped here after helping to decorate the LOVE sign in Seven Bends State Park. I only walked a short distance on the trail because I was cold, but I did go far enough to view the Shenandoah River where I had just crossed on this low-water bridge. 

Unfortunately, our planned special event on Valentine's Day at the LOVE sign had to be cancelled because the narrow road going to the park was icy. 

Last Tuesday Frank, had an endoscopy done at Warren Hospital. His room happened to be the one with a mural, which was lucky for me because I had run out of murals to share here. 

The mural is signed by Judith Coulther Wordsworth, 1998. 


  1. Lovely mural Linda. Hope your husband's endoscopy went well.
    Thanks for contributing to Monday Murals.

  2. Sending wishes for Frank. What a pretty park.

  3. I am surprised that a deserter from the other side would be trusted in such a role.

  4. ...a mural that I would expect to see in Maui.

  5. I do like the mural. It makes me think of warmer times!

  6. So many little episodes and personalities in American history that we never are introduced to. I'd like to hear more of his story. I enlarged the photo of the sign, but can't read the text.

    be safe and good health to you both...
    mae at maefood.blogspot.com


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