February 11, 2021

Signs of Hope.

 The signs pictured here are in front of various churches, except for the last one.

"Conflict is Inevitable but Combat is Optional."  I'll vote for that.

 The little love sign is with a teddy bear in a store. He's available for Valentine's Day, which is Sunday.

Happy Valentine's Day to you!


  1. The next to last one is my favorite.

  2. I would make it "Combat is not acceptable."

  3. ...it would be wonderful if combat was optional! Thanks linda for sharing these reminders.

  4. I love every single one of the signs! So true

  5. All signs are beautiful. Thank you for sharing Linda.

  6. Oh I loved them all. So glad the church had them printed up and posted around...since nobody can gather in church for a good word these days. The little bear reminds me of my first son's first little bear. It was a panda, but he named it Baboon.

  7. I love the signs, every one of them give you something to think about.

  8. All thoughtful signs. I like the one "Find the calm in chaos". Thank you for your good wishes for Sunday. Have a good weekend yourself.

  9. All great signs. Love the panda :)

  10. Hope is not cancelled spoke to me, as the father of someone I've worked with for years lost her father to COVID-19 last week. We can only hope. I loved all of these signs. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  11. I haven’t wanted a stuffed animal for years, but that cute panda could make me revert to my youth! Those are all great church signs!


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