December 10, 2020

Hello Sunshine.

Signs: Here we see the shed at the recycling and trash transfer site in Strasburg. The red sign warns that a video camera is filming you, so don't steal from the trash or put something in the dumpster that is against the rules. The blue sign says "Start each day with a smile." The yellow sign says, "Hello, Sunshine." 

Sometimes people who bring stuff to the dumpster offer it to the attendant. I suspect that's where how the yellow sign got there. It doesn't look like something the county would supply.

The LOVE sign is in Front Royal. The shadow of the gazebo is hiding the E. 

I wanted to show you something topical so here's a pandemic-related sign from a burger place. "The King's Shield" is a sheet of acrylic separating the customer from the clerk. "This keeps us apart, but a Whopper brings us together."

Speaking of food, here's a meme about corn allergy. I have a "mild" corn allergy and even a little corn syrup gives me gastric distress. Here in the USA, corn is a common ingredient in foods and even in medications. Trying to find an over-the-counter remedy that doesn't contain corn is difficult.  

Change of subject: Today I came across an old photo of my younger daughter Marie. I took this when I had a weekend job taking portraits at Sears. At that time, she was working for Marvel so she is wearing a Spider Man jacket. 

The picture of my other daughter, Lynn, is from last Christmas. Her sister had made her laugh, as she always does. 

Lynn is still recovering from Covid-19. Now she has a sore throat that merits an antibiotic. The local pharmacy seems to be overwhelmed (or understaffed) so her neighbor was not able to get it for her yet, even though the doctor called it in yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow. 


  1. Hello,

    I hope your daughter Lynn feels better soon. Great collection of signs, I like the Hello Sunshine and the LOVE signs. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  2. Great signs...hope your daughter feels better soon. I have friends who stand in the Town Square of Black Mountain with LOVE posters in their hands every Wed. afternoon. Cool, and I always honk when I see them.

  3. Interesting signs - LOVE is my favorite! Hope your daughter is well soon, and that no one else in the family gets sick.
    Have a blessed day!

  4. Great signs, I like the Hello Sunshine sign. Hope your daughter gets better soon. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Hopefully Lynn gets the medicine shortly.

  6. Wishing your daughter well soon, hoping she can get the medicine she needs tomorrow.

    All the best Jan

  7. Thanks, everyone! She did get the medication and has to take it for ten days. She seems to be in pretty good spirits although she has a sort throat and a fever.


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