December 6, 2020

Along Central Street, Broadway, VA

The town of Broadway is about 12 miles north of Harrisonburg. It overlooks the North Fork of the Shenandoah. According to the town website, it was known as Custer's Mill until the mill was burned during the Civil War. 

Here we see the U.S. Post Office. 

This church is the House of Deliverance. I haven't found a history of the building. 

If you like seeing photos of places of religion, check out the Inspired Sunday blog hop.

Near the church is the volunteer fire department.



  1. Looks like a nice quiet least at this time of day!

  2. ...the church is a style that can be found here.

  3. Was the mill near the post office, fire house, or the church?

    1. No, it would have been on the creek or the river. Both are several blocks away.


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