December 4, 2020

A Cold December Rain

A Watery Willy Nilly Friday

Today was rainy. I didn't feel like going out but I had a couple of packages to drop off at the Postal Business Center, so I finally went out at 4 o'clock.  Then I drove down to South Street to look for lights or reflections to photograph. Rain makes for shiny parking lots, as you can see in the black and white image and also the next one, which was next door. If you peer in the window, you can see Santa in his red suit.


Also in Front Royal is my dentist's office. I was there on Tuesday for a couple of fillings that I had put off for as long as I dared. When I lay back in the chair, I could see the ceiling painted to give the illusion of a lake, and this duck is fastened on it. 
My back was bothering me so I kept my knees bent the whole time. I mentioned that I was going to the chiropractor the next morning, and that's how I learned that my dentist has known my chiropractor since he was a little boy. He's friends with Cully's dad, who was my chiropractor before he retired.

The next day I went to Woodstock and Cully fixed up my back, as usual. I passed on a greeting from Dr. Zunka, and he said he had known him all his life. He remembered Dr. Zunka visiting their home and amusing him by talking like Donald Duck!

I left there feeling better and had a snack-lunch in my car. Then I headed down to Seven Bends State Park for an event. I crossed the low-water bridge on Hollingsworth Road to get there.
narrow bridge

Skywatch. North Fork of the Shenandoah.
The occasion was the presentation of a generous check from the Lions Club towards construction of a natural playground. I was invited as a member of the steering committee for Friends of Seven Bends State Park. 

The public was not invited because there is currently a limit of 25 people at events in Virginia due to a rise in hospitalizations for Covid-19. Everyone wore a mask and avoided standing close together. 

Ranger Tom told us about plans for the playground, which will feature a path that mimics the curving path of the river and will have a mound to represent the nearby mountain. 


  1. I'm new to your blog. Nice photos...I like the reflections shots. The natural playground looks like a wonderful idea! Happy Skywatching!

  2. ...we had a cold December rain yesterday too, I'm glad that I wasn't out and about. Take care Linda, stay warm and well.

  3. Your view of the Shenandoah is a beauty.

  4. Great photos!
    I wish more dentists would put something interesting on their ceilings. The planned playground looks like it will be a really fun place
    Have a blessed day!

  5. Hello,

    Pretty reflections. I like the views of the river and park. Take care, have a great weekend!

  6. Like the duck image very funny :-)

    Best regards

  7. My dentists' room had a poster of the kitten with the words, Hang in There." It isn't the original, because this one isn't hanging from a it kind of lost the meaning! But I did give them my appreciation. This visit was the day before Thanksgiving, and I was so happy to have my loose filling replaced! Glad your back is also better. Isn't it fun to have small town relationships? Looking forward to more news as the playground develops!

  8. The natural playground idea is cool. Kudos to you for helping with it.

  9. Love that moody black and white!

    Your dentist's ceiling is such fun. Years ago my dentist at that time had a clock that ran backwards - it caused a lot of comment.

  10. I had to laugh at your view from the dentist chair.

  11. That natural playground will be nice when complete, and kudos for your volunteer work on the steering committee. We had cold rain the other day, and today, we had sleet and ice pellets for a while where I live near the NY/PA border. Yes, winter is closing in on both of us. Alana

  12. I do like the reflections, and pretty views of the river and park too.

    All the best Jan

  13. that is such a great ceiling for the dentists office. how wonderful to have that view!! it's a small world, isn't it??

    nice reflections!!

  14. Great reflections! I can't even remember the last time it rained here.

  15. I’m not sure how I’d feel about that duck flying right over my open mouth ;))). Your dentist sounds like a nice guy but it must have been awful to be there when you already had back problems .... my back hurt last time I went for a cleaning, something about the angle of the chair. All I wanted to do is get done and out of there so I could take off my mask, so I didn’t ask her to stop like I usually would. I could hardly drive home.


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