October 7, 2020

Mallard Ducks in Winchester.



  1. Lovely duck portraits! You either have better light, more colorful Mallards, or are a better photographer than I am, probably all three (definitely the last).

  2. Great photos!
    The last time I saw Mallards they all had their heads tucked back into their feathers - not easy to get a good photo. I thought they were asleep, but after loading the photos to the computer, I could see an eye open keeping a watch on me!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. Beautiful mallards and great colorful photos.

  4. I haven't seen mallards in a while. Enjoyed your photos. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  5. They do make very good photo subjects.

  6. Fun to see your local ducks. I love ducks!


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