September 16, 2020

Resting Wings and a Hazy Sunset.

Sometimes I go looking for butterflies to photograph. This one came to me and rested on our deck. 

Next we see some crows on a dead tree. 

I must say we have been fortunate to have decent weather. There have been severe storms in several places and record-breaking heat out west. California and Oregon have suffered from widespread wild fires.

The smoke from those fires has traveled across the country and shows up in our western skies. Some people captured an orange haze on photographs at sundown yesterday. I went out and attempted to but my camera shifted the color toward gray. I set the exposure for sunset but that just produced a purple sky!

There was a time that photographers blamed film for poor color latitude but now that we don't use film, I guess we blame electronics. Maybe next time I'll try my cell phone and see what it can do. 

The orange sun shows up in the reflection. I walked quietly so as not to scare the geese. They are fairly tame but will jump into the lake if startled. 


  1. What a nice selection of impressive nature photos.
    If you like, you can also link this post with me.
    The link party goes on until Friday night
    I would be very happy

  2. ...any day when you can photograph butterflies is a good day.

  3. Beautiful butterfly. Beautiful shots of the geese resting at the lakeside. Have a great day.

  4. I'm so sorry the smoke is affecting you. Another blogger showed how the smoke is over Chicago at dawn. I am sad about all the fires. Today we've got the tail end of Hurricane Sally's rain.

  5. A nice series of photos. Love the Butterfly!
    Have a great day!

  6. I's amazing how far the smoke has traveled. Here in Coastal BC we are on day six of very limited visibility (about a mile or so), and very unhealthful air. We are staying indoors with an air purifier running 24/7. - Margy

  7. The geese are a pretty sight to see.


  8. Hello Linda, I am very happy that you have now also become a part of the "DND"!
    ♥ Greetings

  9. Like the butterfly and the sunset images most

    Best regards

  10. Love your critters that you share with us today. I do hope the fires are under control soon. It's amazing how far the smoke travels.

    Your link at 'My Corner of the World' is greatly appreciated!! I'm glad to see you this week!


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