August 11, 2020

Family Drive-In

This drive-in theater has been showing movies since 1956. It is a mile south of Stephens City along the Valley Pike (US Route 11).  It is one of seven drive-ins still operating in Virginia. 

Drive-ins have seen a resurgence in popularity this summer due to the shutting down of other theaters due to fears of contagion due to Covid-19. Since you can watch a movie in your car or in front of it in a lawn chair, you can avoid contact with other movie-goers. There are some restrictions at this time in order to enable physical distancing. 

 Although I took these pictures during the daytime, movies are only shown at night. There have been some church services held there during daytime hours. 

We are living in strange times. Today I went to the dentist and I had to call them from the car so they could unlock the front door! Locking the door is one way of preventing crowding in the office. My hygienist, Polly, had on so much protective gear that I did not recognize her until she spoke! And I've known her for a long time, because I actually remember her and her twin as little girls at the same playground where my children played in Alexandria. 


  1. It is indeed strange times. I grew up going to the drive-in. Most are gone but it is perfect for getting out at a safe distance. I hear Walmart is going to show movies in their parking lot - that's strange but a nice idea.

  2. ...most drive-ins closed long ago here. I read that WalMart was partnering with a company to operate drive-ins in there parking lots. Thanks for the memories Linda.

  3. Last month our city launched the 1st drive-in cinema in our country. I have not been there yet but would love to experience at least once.

  4. Some small venues show outdoor movies here, in parking lots with screens that aren't big - and I think they show vintage movies, but I may be wrong. They are connected to restaurants and bars. We've always needed more entertainment for families after the shops close around 6.

  5. I've never been to a drive-in movie. Sounds like this is the way to go for a while. My dentist has canceled two appointments since this all started. I really did not mind that as I would rather be safe than sorry. In the meantime I supposed I have stepped up my tooth cleaning habits, even though I was pretty diligent before :)

  6. Drive in movies were big deals for us back in the day and it has been interesting to read about their resurgence due to Covid. Makes some sense. Really neat that this one has been in use all this time, that’s quite rare!

  7. Drive ins are still around here, and it makes sense to use them for movies right now.


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