July 30, 2020

Signs: Love, Food, and Beliefs.

In Front Royal
A Dubious Offer.

Signs 2.
The natural foods store tells us masks are required and it's not political. They want to stay in business. In Virginia, stores are supposed to offer masks to customers and deny service to people who refuse to wear one. 

I still see people stubbornly shopping without masks. This is especially prevalent in cheaper stores. 
Meanwhile, a church in Opequon comments on the heat wave.

Bumper Sticker.

We haven't eaten in a steak house since before the pandemic, so we decided to order take-away from Outback. We scouted out a place to eat it before we picked it up, a picnic shelter in Stephens City. It was nice to have a carry-out meal that wasn't fast food.


  1. Wise words on the church sign - Love it and the first photo. That steak looks worth the wait!
    Wren x

  2. Hello,

    Great collection of signs. Great messages. The picnic is a great idea. Take care and stay safe! Enjoy your day, have a great weekend.

  3. ...Linda you have a wonderful collection here. Jesus was a liberal is my favorite, sad that something has happened to many followers! Thanks for joining the party.

  4. Excellent signs and dinner al fresca! You even had place mats I note! Have a great weekend! Stay safe!

  5. Some great signs there - LOVE is my favorite!
    Outback is great! Their grilled salmon is our favorite. And the Sweet Chook O'Mine Sandwich is delicious, too. Did you know you can get a discount if you are an AARP member? Also they have a Rewards Card that gives a discount after a certain number of visits. It is kind of expensive for us, so discounts sure do help!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. The Jesus was a liberal one is my favourite. I can imagine a few MAGA types would stroke out seeing it.

  7. Great collection here, and that steak looks good :)

    All the best Jan

  8. Great sign collection. Buy 2 drinks pay for both made me laugh. :)

  9. Enjoyed the signs. It's horrible how masks have become a matter of violence. I did enjoy all of your signs, especially the "two drinks". We have not eaten out in any restaurant since this started, either in or out. Fortunately, my husband loves to cook. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  10. I like those LOVE signs. How nice that you got to enjoy a steak dinner.


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