June 4, 2020

Love and Other Inconveniences

The first sign is in front of the Visitors Center in Luray. "LOVE" letters have become a Virginia tradition.

Weekend Reflection: While I was in Luray I stopped at a supermarket. A sign on the door lists basic CDC guidelines designed to slow the spread of COVID-19, such as Keep Safe Distances from Each Other.

The next sign is a sticker on the rear window of a car.

The remaining signs are ones I saw today. Masks are now mandatory while shopping indoors in Virginia.

You wear yours, I'll wear mine.

I've been surprised at how vehemently some people resist covering their lower face. I think this is partly due to mixed messages from the national government. Also, my mask protects others more than it does me. Your mask protects people around you.

When I see someone not wearing a mask, I stay far away from them. 

A sign on the floor of Better Thymes reminds us to Allow 6 feet between you and the next customer. 

Also today I went up to Skyline Drive, since it is only five minutes from the shopping center in Front Royal and I wanted to get away from the harshness of society for a short time. Disease, police violence, anger on the news... I've seen these things before but not all at once.

A rain storm was coming in but that was fine with me because rain clouds can make interesting pictures.

I was happy to see a ranger I know at the entrance gate. Well, I don't know her name but I recognized her face in spite of her mask, and she knows I have a park pass. I haven't seen her since the park closed for the first stage of the fight against the virus. "Welcome back," I said.

The park has the CDC guidelines posted. Before the storm reached me, I saw a family enjoying the view. Seconds after I took this, we heard thunder and the parents rushed the child into their car.

The glow in the valley is the Shenandoah River. I am thankful to live in a beautiful area.
Thankful Thursday.


  1. A great collection of signs!
    I have wonderful memories of Skyline Drive from a visit many years ago. Beautiful scenery!
    Hope you have a good weekend!

  2. Hello, Great series of signs. We are wearing our masking inside any retail stores. Love the Shenandoah views, we want to visit there soon. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  3. ...a lot to love here! You sure are getting out more than we are, we're still sticking to home. Thanks Linda for sharing, take care out there.

    1. I go for rides a few times a week but I don't stop at restaurants like I used to.

  4. I can't understand why people won't take the easy precaution of wearing a mask. I think it's selfish not to. LOVE the photo of the child and mother, what a beautiful photo...looks like one we would see in a magazine! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I wear mine inside a store but outside. With the riots there will be more or is more cases. Oh well. I like the last picture.

  6. Having a vista to look at is certainly the opposite of the mask problems...and welcome to share. Thanks.

  7. What a beautiful place to get away too and enjoy. Some wonderful signs of the times.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Nice sign seeing that masks are expected. Many people here refuse to wear one. Thanks for linking up and stay well.

  9. What a good collection of signs here …

    All the best Jan

  10. Living in New York State and having family in New York City, I can not understand how anyone can either think COVID-19's a hoax or that you are a sheep for wearing a mask. Many seem not to want to learn the lesson we in New York learned the hard way. It's confusing, though, how states are organizing their reopenings . Both my part of NY and Virginia are in "Phase 2" (I think!) but what they allow are quite different. Many stores here still aren't open. I was happy to see the signs you posted - we need this kind of caution. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  11. That's a beautiful reflection!

  12. I think the LOVE signs in your state are a neat tradition.


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