February 29, 2020

On the Streets Where We Live

Strasburg, Virginia
I don't actually live in town but I go through it pretty often.

St. Patrick's Day is coming and the print studio has decorated for it.

Weekend Reflections.
I have two reasons for sharing a picture of the Strasburg Town Hall. One is that it's a municipal building, and that happens to be the theme for March 1st on City Daily Photo. I'm planning to post a different picture for that, so this one is advance notice.

This afternoon I spent some time in the town hall hanging pictures for a photography show with other members of a local group. The title of the show is "On the Streets Where We Live," which is why I used that title for this post.

Below is a brochure for the show. Town Hall is open on weekdays, so drop by if you are in the area.


  1. Congrats for being involved in a show of photos in a public building. Can't wait till you share what your photos were.

  2. ...as soon as V Day was over St Paddy's Day filled the shelves.

  3. I, sadly, will have to miss the exhibit that includes your photos. But, I remember when you first told me about the Virginia Gardens Week and I wanted to thank you again. Husband and I have gone twice to that (once to Ashland and last year, to Leesburg). We "may" go again this year, this time to the James River Plantations and perhaps one of the Richmond events. We'll just have to see how life goes.

  4. Looks like a nice little town. I'd like to see the show but it's a little too far away. ;-)

  5. Congratulations on your exhibit in the show 🎉
    I hope all goes well and that you have many attendees!

  6. Strasburg, Virginia Town Hall is an attractive-looking building. Congratulations regarding your involvement in the photo exhibition.

  7. It's exciting to have your photos on display in an exhibit!


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