February 1, 2020

Dogs and Deer.

Along Skyline Drive, Shenandoah National Park.

Don't worry, this dog's family was nearby, just across the stone wall.

Many people take their dogs up there. Dogs should be on a leash not longer than six feet in length. This helps keep pets and wildlife safe.

Saturday's Critters.
After squirrels, the most commonly seen wildlife in the park is deer. I can usually find a few in the hour before sunset.

Do you suppose the small deer wants to use the telephone? Perhaps he wants to call his mother!

Yes, the park still has public telephones. Cell phone signals are not reliable in the mountains, although the park service advises that you can often get a signal at west-facing overlooks.

Caturday Pet Art: Here's a pup I saw in a car. The image was dimmed by tinted glass so I cleared it up a little and then added clouds and some filters in Photoshop. I'm still learning this stuff!


  1. Hello, Some people do not follow rules, the dogs should be on leashes. They are cute pups and I like your artsy dog too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day! Wishing you a great new week ahead. PS, thanks for the comment.

  2. Beautiful wild deer...though living in a park, they are accustomed to being around people.

  3. https://candogs.janglmo.info/2020/01/can-dogs-eat-tuna.html

  4. Lovely pictures😸Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday🐾😽💞

  5. Great pics! Shame the dogs weren't on leashes.

  6. Creative work with the pup's shot.

    The deer are pretty.

  7. Lovely to see the dogs and deer.

    All the best Jan

  8. Very nice animal portraits and the deer looking for the phone sure made me smile! It was also interesting to think about the need for phone booths in the park...makes sense for sure. I’d thought that were about extinct.

  9. Wonderful photos of the dogs and deer ~ ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. Nice captures of the dogs and deer. I like the one of the little deer by the phone sign.


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