February 19, 2020

Bird Feeding

One of the pleasures of winter is feeding birds. I don't feed them in warm weather because bears will come and destroy the feeders to get the seed. It's now illegal in Virginia to feed bears, even unintentionally!

Here we see a blue jay on a log and a junco on a new feeder that I bought because it's cute. This was before the squirrel pulled off some of the decorations and dumped out all the seed.

The Carolina wren is perched on a cage that holds a seed bell. This one is seasoned with red pepper so Mr. Squirrel does not bother it. However, I have seen Mrs. Squirrel nibbling red pepper suet, and I guessed she was very hungry because she had babies to feed.

Uh, oh! A hawk is in a tree. That day there were two of them, so perhaps they were courting. It's that time of year.

They flew away after a few minutes, fortunately for my little bird friends.

The red bird feeder is said to be squirrel proof. Here Charlie is learning that his weight pulls the levers closed, shutting off access to the seeds that are inside.

Squirrels are persistent and have nothing better to do than figure out how to get food. I watched Charlie spend some time exploring the bolts on the feeder, trying to see if he could take the contraption apart. I gave up watching him but he did not succeed. The feeder is still intact.

Sharing with Wild Wednesdays


  1. Hello, Love the cute birds, poor Charlie the squirrel. Wishing you a happy day!

  2. Linda,

    That Bluejay is a handsome fellow! The little birdhouse is so cute and bright. I had to laugh over the silly squirrel trying to get into that feeder. I bet that was fun to watch. :) Thanks for joining #WildWednesdays the blog promoting linky party where just about anything goes, my dear. Have a good day!

    Early evening view from Clingmans Dome #WW

  3. Fun feeding critters and then enjoying watching them...even those who don't succeed!

  4. Those squirrels are sneaky but hilarious to watch! Great mealtime pix!

  5. I take my feeders down in the winter because we are gone from the cabin so much. We are lucky that bears don't frequent our feeders, but saying that, one did come down our cliff and grab a snack. That was one time in 20 years. - Margy

  6. Given enough time, Charlie will have it sorted.

  7. We've had no luck at all with feeding birds this winter.

  8. I'm glad you found a feeder that deterred squirrels. The squirrels around us have managed to get into every feeder we've tried.

  9. Lovely to see the birds, the blue jay is beautiful.
    Squirrels can be very persistent!
    All great photographs.

    All the best Jan

  10. What beautiful birds and sweet squirrels are with you. These are great photos!

  11. Haha! Isn't it funny how hard squirrels will work when trying to steal bird feed. Great pictures!


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