November 18, 2019

Woodstock Library and More.

Shenandoah County, Virginia.

I saw a clipping showing a mural in the children's area of the library in Woodstock. As a collector of murals for the Monday Murals blog hop, I traipsed down the stairs to children's reading area.

Oh, a great blue heron! How nice! 

On that same day, I drove east of town to the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. Here's a collage of some scenes down there. 

Mosaic Monday.


  1. Great place love fro Poland

  2. Lovely mural for the children's reading room. Thanks for participating Linda.

  3. Hello, beautiful mural. I love the view of the river, very pretty. Have a great day and new week!

  4. Isn't it fun to have a quest? I'm glad you took the trouble to find this nice mural.

    best... mae at

  5. Oh I love these murals Linda, I'm not sure if it's the same over your way but it seems more and more schools here are getting murals like this, I bet the kids love them ✨

  6. I would have loved the children's area the most! How beautiful! Enjoy your week!

  7. Lovely shots of the river, though a bit small in a collage. Not complaining (exactly...) I love scenery!

  8. That's a perfect mural for a Children's Library. So full of fun and sweetness.

  9. You get around a LOT, Linda.That's an incredibly well done mural, Linda. Your photo collage is beautiful, too. The water looked cold, but the scenes were serene.

  10. Linda - lovely views of the Shenandoah! Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday!

  11. i really enjoy the mural ... so pretty. we did those as a kid in school. when they rebuilt the school i wonder why they didn't invite us all to see it one last time? good memories. ( ;

  12. Wonderful mural for the children's room.


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